If you didn’t know before this rant, you know it now: I’m Canadian. Every time I pronounce process “PRO-cess”, and not “PRAW-cess”, I get called out. Putting a “u” in labour or favourite gets me spellchecked every time. It is true, I’m from the socialist paradise better known as Canada.
I’ve been fortunate enough to visit every state, in the lower 48, over the course of my career. Wyoming and Alabama were the hardest to justify with my employers, “what business do we have there?” So, I feel like it's time to take my unique American perspective for a walk. I’m not going to say anything about universal healthcare, legalized pot, gay marriage, or even that interesting guy you have leading the place, that keeps bumping up the ratings of FOX News and CNN. (Editor's Note: our Prime Minister is a former high school drama teacher—Canadians shouldn’t talk about how qualified our leader is.) My beef (or in this case, my turkey) is with your Thanksgiving holiday.
Who puts a holiday on a Thursday? If it were only about the one day, I’d let it pass, but it really should be called Domino Thursday. Friday’s left hanging on its own, and who the heck is going to go into work on the Friday after the Thursday holiday? I usually get the old saw, “You can get ahold of me, but I’ll be working from home,” response to a meeting request. Then there’s Wednesday. Since the teleporter has yet to be invented, Wednesday is “Travel Day.” Not a day off, a travel day. In my books, if a day falls between Monday and Friday and you are not working, it’s a day off, but somehow it falls into another realm in America—the travel day. Day two taken out by the Thanksgiving Thursday domino. Bring on Tuesday.
Or, as Tuesday has now become known, “Logistics Day.” Whether you are preparing for travel or taking your inner Martha Stewart out for a spin, Tuesday is strictly off limits for planning anything work-related. The cover statement is “I’ll be tying up some loose ends.” We all know the Tuesday before Thanksgiving is probably the least productive day in America.
So, there you are. Stretching one lonely holiday into four. If anyone asks though, it's just the one day off. Hey, wait a minute! Maybe that’s the point, eh? While we think we’re being all efficient, just taking off Monday for Canadian Thanksgiving, you lot have figured out the secret holiday recipe: make it Thursday.
I guess what I really mean to say is, Happy Thanksgiving to our American cousins—enjoy your day off and precious time with friends and family.
While you’re shopping online on Cyber Monday, (I mean working, right,) think about how easy and convenient e-commerce is, and maybe how neat it would be if your customers could do the same on your website.
Here’s a little video of what could possibly be the best Thanksgiving TV special of all-time—WKRP anyone?