Let's build an online store.
Your Project Lead and Account Manager will be your go-to contacts as we make our way through the following:
1. Onboarding
Introductory Meeting
The goal of this meeting is to understand YOU, the client, and your business. What’s working well? What are your pain points? Let us help you work through them as we discuss the functionality of your new site. After our call, you should be able to identify team members who will manage not only the site build project, but also, the e-commerce software once you are live.
Onboarding Meeting
During the Onboarding meeting, your Account Manager and Project Lead will go over the Onboarding Sheet* with you and answer any questions you may have about the details we require to get started on your site. If we can fill out some of the Onboarding Sheet on our call, that’s great! But items such as your product offering (SKUs) are to be filled out by you following this meeting.
Onboarding Completion
Once your Account Manager has received your completed Onboarding Sheet and any other requested files have been uploaded to your Google Drive folder, we can begin work on your Sitemap*.
* The Onboarding Sheet is an administrative document used to gather essential information in order to build your portal or full site.
* A Sitemap is a representation of the layout of all pages that will exist on your site.
2. Sitemap*
Sitemap Review
Your Project Lead will email you a link to your Sitemap hosted on UXPin for you to review. Your Sitemap will indicate all pages that will exist on your site. Any Workflow Edits* must be identified at this stage via email. This is your 1st round of edits.
Sitemap Approval
Our team will update your Sitemap if/as necessary and you will review it once more to ensure all pages are accounted for. Approval of the Sitemap will be communicated to your Project Lead via email.
* Only applies to a full site build.
* Workflow Edits are any changes to the flow of the website that will directly impact the user’s experience, for example, the addition or removal of pages.
3. Wireframe
Wireframe Meeting
During the wireframe meeting your Project Lead will explain how to navigate your Wireframes* on UXPin* as well as how to leave feedback via the comments feature. The link to your Wireframes will be shared with you via email following this meeting.
Wireframe Review
During this time you will review your Wireframes and indicate any edits via comments on UXPin. Any changes to the workflow of the site must be identified at this stage. This is your 2nd round of edits.
Wireframe Approval
Our team will update your Wireframes if/as necessary and you will review it once more to ensure all requested changes have been captured. Approval of the Wireframes will be communicated to your Project Lead via email.
* A Wireframe is a graphic mockup of your site that does not operate in a live, functioning environment.
* UXPin is a prototyping tool used to share your sitemap and wireframes with you.
4. Content
Content Completion
Once your Wireframes have been approved, your Project Lead will share a Content Sheet* with you via email in which you will supply all of the written copy to replace the Lorem Ipsum*, on your wireframes. We will provide a reference copy document to you. In addition, if you wish to provide access to images, these should be shared with your Project Lead at this stage. Alternatively, we can source images for you from our own databases. Once we have received all remaining content, we can begin the development of your site.
* The Content Sheet is a Google sheet in which you will input all of your site copy to replace the auto-generated, “Lorem Ipsum,” on your wireframes.
* Lorem Ipsum is auto-generated placeholder text within your wireframes.
5. Development
Developed Site Review
Congratulations, you’re almost there! Your Project Lead will share a secure link to your developed site with you via email. At this time, you will be able to review your fully functioning site. This is your 3rd and final round of edits pre-launch. Any changes should only be Cosmetic Edits*, and are to be compiled and uploaded to your Google Drive folder.
Developed Site Completion
Your Project Lead will inform you via email when all final edits have been completed, and your site is ready to go live.
* Cosmetic Edits are any changes to the design of the website including images, colors, fonts, and copy.