Employers are struggling to fill job openings. Months of posting online, refreshing their email, and still nothing. Some might believe that the lack of interest is due to a lack of jobseekers. But they couldn’t be more wrong. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the workforce has experienced several changes. One of the most impactful has earned itself a daunting title. The global market is currently in the middle of “The Great Resignation.”
Just as we understand that the housing market goes through ebbs and flows, so too does our global workforce. Right now, we’re in a “candidate-centric hiring market” (Forbes). The Great Resignation has seen a mass-exodus of employees. Statistics from the U.S Department of Labor show that 11.5 million Americans voluntarily quit their jobs between April to June of 2021 (Forbes). And the resignations aren’t over yet. One survey performed by Bankrate found that 55% of employed Americans say they’ll likely seek out a new job within the next 12 months (Bankrate).
“Surely, all these employees will come around though, right? There aren’t that many jobs out there, after all!”
Think again. Current employment statistics show that there are approximately 8.4 million unemployed Americans, yet there are 10 million available jobs (Forbes). With fewer employees than available jobs, employers are facing a serious dilemma. Make positive changes, or risk losing out on employees.
Through careful research, and collaboration, our marketing team has come up with strategies that will better position clients in the marketplace. One of which is redesigning job listings, appealing to a more focused audience, and considering what it means to be a sales representative today.
Are inside or outside sales representatives still a thing in 2022? We think not. Let us introduce you instead to a new job role: the digital concierge.
It’s a feast or famine job market for employers, which means it’s time to refocus how you’re marketing yourself to the next generation of employees.
Technology Retailers and The Great Resignation
One of the fastest growing industries on the market is technology (Manatal). Consider our numbers at MPSToolbox, where we offer over 1.6 million technology products. That includes 5,500 product categories and 1,600 manufacturers! The popularity of technology isn’t dying down either, with the digitalization of our world spreading to every business sector imaginable.One of the greatest risks that technology companies now face isn’t whether there’s demand for products, but how to get those products out to customers.
Evolution of “The Salesman”
In 1949, author Arthur Miller wrote the play Death of A Salesman. The main character, Willy Loman, is stuck in the past and failing to make sales. The role of the salesman advanced and poor Willy couldn’t keep up.
Not so different from this is employers' current predicament. They’re looking for the wrong candidate. Customers aren’t expecting a Willy Loman-esque salesman, who will go door-to-door. The role of the salesman is forever changing. And what was relevant in the 1949 play is just as relevant now.
Businesses require change if they expect to thrive in the market.

While technology sales continue to grow, the retail industry is struggling since The Great Resignation. Employees working in sales see high turnover rates, and employers are struggling to fill these roles.
How then can employers hope to gain momentum in such a competitive hiring market?
Researching, refocusing, and reflecting on your ideal candidate is essential. If you want tech-savvy workers to sell your technology, you need to come up with an effective strategy to reach that audience.
What the Ideal Candidate Looks For
Now more than ever, employees are willing to wait for the right job. Gone are the days of people handing out resumes in-person, hopeful that you might find their experience to be of some value. Employees are more confident. Candidates are shifting their focus. No longer are they thinking “will they hire me?” but rather “why should I work for them?”
With the majority of the workforce being Millennials, making up approximately 35% of the U.S workforce and equaling 75% of the global workforce by 2025 (Team Stage), employers need to consider how they’re positioning themselves online. Candidates are well-versed in how to research information online and updating your website can prove that you’re a forward-thinking company.
Above all else, candidates place a higher value on flexibility. Flexible work arrangements are a top priority for Gen Zs and Millennials (62% and 60% respectively) (Bankrate) who choose jobs that permit working from home over ones that don’t. 56% of working Americans currently prefer remote work and adjustable hours (Bankrate), which means workplaces are reshaping themselves to match these expectations.
The ideal technology-sales candidate is all too aware of this. One of the first things they’re going to look at is your website. From there, they’ll be able to deduce whether you’ve positioned yourself successfully in the market or not.

Utilize the tools that are readily available on the market to enhance the working environment you’re offering candidates. The flexibility offered through e-commerce, for example, can be crucial for employee retention.
Update Your Verbiage and Mindset
With 10 million available jobs in the U.S, it can be hard for a job listing to stand out. Candidates are spending more time scoping out listings, looking for something that speaks directly to their unique skills.
“I’m doomed! How am I going to stand out in a sea of job posts?”
Updated verbiage, for a start. Looking at retail specifically, it’s easy to see where employers have gone wrong. There are tons of jobs out there with words like “sales rep” and “sales associate.” One LinkedIn search proves this. There are currently 250,000+ sales associate jobs in the United States alone. Clicking into any one of those listings yields eerily similar results. Job postings are formulaic, and rarely stand out.
That’s why it’s critical to reflect on what you want as a company.
We’ve taken the route of re-working the stereotypical “sales associate” role, creating an entirely new position that we refer to as a “digital concierge.”
What Is a “Digital Concierge?”
The role is tailored to technology sales. We’ve refined this listing to ensure the ideal candidate will feel connected to the position. It's intended to engage people who are technology experts with an inclination for bridging the gap between reality and possibility.
The digital concierge acts much like a hotel concierge, expertly sharing their know-how with customers and showcasing “hidden technology gems” that buyers might not have stumbled across on their own.
Refining your definition for sales positions is critical for technology retailers.
A job listing is your candidate’s first impression of you and your organization. They’ve already seen hundreds of listings claiming to want someone with “5+ years of experience, who's both positive and a natural-born leader.”
What future employees are looking for is purpose. You have to show through one listing that you understand not only who you’re looking for, but that you’ve carefully thought about their needs.
Connect With the Future
Every facet of your job listing needs to be perfectly planned, expertly edited, and strategically showcased.
Technology retailers are under the scrutinizing gaze of tech-savvy candidates. They’re reviewing job listings, websites, and reviews carefully. They’re able to wait it out if they sense something’s off. Your listing, after all, is nothing more than one in 250,000+.
Every like-minded employer wants to snap up star candidates. But you can’t reach the stars without a rocket. This is especially crucial for employers who haven’t thought about how post-pandemic expectations, digital advancements, or employee values have changed. To those employers I say, it’s time to strap on your moon boots and take the leap of faith into the future of technology retail. Show employees you have what it takes to be the best employer, and that you’re unique in the universe of employment opportunities.
Looking to post listings but not sure how to attract candidates? Our marketing team understands The Great Resignation and post-pandemic hiring trends. You deserve star candidates.
Get in touch with our team today and let us be the fuel to your rocket.
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