Look around. The office print industry is in flux. How much people print, what they print, and what devices they print on are changing. The music industry had it's Apple moment. Blockbuster had its Netflix moment. The print industry is having its A4 moment. In this webinar Norm McConkey, Ray Stasieczko and Wes McArtor discussed:
1. The data from the Nexera WorldStats™ database to outline how print patterns are changing.
2. The MPSToolbox software platform. One of the largest databases in the world representing 15,000 printer equipment models and 150,000 individual printer supply items.
3. How the A4 revolution is being won by organizations outside the Imaging Channel's resellers. Transactionally, business is not slowing down and dealers must embrace not only a contract model but a transactional model as well.
Click below to watch and share the full webinar with your colleagues and friends. Enjoy!
Video: Part One
Video: Part Two
Presentation Slide Deck